“Once you approach your body as a relationship to discover rather than a problem to fix, you start thinking in a whole new way.” – Jena La Flamme
In our culture, many women are disconnected from their whole pelvic region – mostly due to trauma of some kind, and/or shame. Trauma, expressed in the body as tension and experienced by a woman as pain or numbness, can arise from something as simple as having sex without being sufficiently aroused, to something as complex as a difficult birth or sexual abuse/violation. Underneath the glossy, modern sexual landscape we live in, many of us struggle to understand ourselves as sexual beings. It is rare to meet a woman who truly KNOWS her vagina well. Massaging and mapping internally allows a woman to meet her yoni. To discover her own creative power source, this part that has often only been experienced as problematic or bothersome (periods), or ‘for’ the purpose of another’s pleasure, or for procreation. We do not receive adequate education about our own basic anatomy and sexuality. In fact, we are often given the wrong information – which leaves us confused and unclear. That’s why having an experienced practitioner gently guide you through an area that may be wildly unfamiliar can be a total revelation. Internal mapping can give a woman the capacity to answer questions like: Where do I disconnect from feeling? Where is there pain and numbness? Is that area still tender from the operation? What areas are pleasurable? What feels relaxing? How is my pelvic floor? Is there much tension in there? What does my cervix feel like? Where is my A-spot anyway? How do I like to be touched? Because Mapping sessions involve whole body work, it can give a woman the felt experience that her Yoni is connected to the rest of her body – a profound wholeness. Additionally, a session creates the space for a woman to simply receive. Nothing is expected of her, she doesn’t need to perform in any way, she can just relax and discover herself. It sounds so simple, but it’s something few women have ever experienced. After receiving this kind of session, women often come away with a sense of clarity about what they want in their lives – and what is no longer acceptable. This could mean being more discerning about who we allow to enter our most sacred space. Or desiring to treat our bodies better. .... Choosing to have longer foreplay because it feels amazing. .... Taking more time to self-pleasure and explore with curiosity. .... Letting go of an unhealthy relationship that both participants knew wasn’t right. Or taking the leap with that big project! It’s an empowering embodied experience that can help you feel who you are on a deeper level. It’s about coming home to yourself. |
Does it really need to be internal?
There many benefits of internal therapeutic pelvic massage – which is now becoming more popular in many different fields. Osteopaths, physiotherapists and pelvic floor specialists do internal massage for pelvic health and alignment. Just as with general massage, the benefits of offering internal work are plentiful:
I’m Really Nervous… Is That Normal?
Yes – most of our clients will feel some nerves before a session, which is totally natural. Usually afterwards they’ll be surprised how ‘normal’ and natural the whole thing felt. We are really focused on creating a safe and comfortable space for the sessions and making it feel fun and interesting. NOTHING is forced or pressured, and you are empowered to set your own boundaries in the session. |